Change the World weekend May 3rd-5th

Change the World has been a long-standing annual weekend that began as a way to make more of an impact on our community and make small steps to Change the World. This includes various projects including our Helping Hands Ministry which completes projects for homebound and senior members, numerous donation projects, Youth and Children service projects, among others. See below the list of projects happening for 2024. 

If you would like to get involved with any of these projects, please contact the church office with questions or to get connected!


Wesley Children, with the assistance of Sarah Gatton, are going to donate birthday boxes to the Charleston Area Food Pantry. These are kits with all the preparations necessary for a family to celebrate their child;s birthday including cake mix, holiday plates, and napkins, candles, etc. We invite Children and Parents to meet in the KidZone at 3pm on April 28th for this project! 


The Women's Wednesday Morning Group is going to provide lunch for the workers at the Early Learning Center and dessert for the children on Friday, May 3rd. 

Helping Hands - May 4th @ 7:30am

The congregation's assistance is requested to provide "helping hands" to persons in our congregation needing assistance with simple tasks at home, such as putting in storm windows, raking, changing hard-to-reach lightbulbs, and cleaning out gutters. Volunteers will be on a team with others, assigned only to tasks they feel comfortable and safe to provide. Volunteers will meet at the church at 7:30 am to get their assignments and supplies or equipment. The plan is to be done with all projects by 11:30 am. If you would like to sign up for this project, please visit the narthex or call the church office. We welcome families to volunteer with us! Also please let Pastor Janice Kahl or Judy Brown know if you have a truck/trailer you can spare for the morning as this may be able to be utilized for some projects. 

Wesley Garden Planting - May 4th @ 1pm

Attendees of the garden workday will be planting tomato and pepper plants. Instructions and assistance will be provided as needed, plants will be provided as well. It would be helpful to bring your gardening gloves. The food grown is donated to those in need in the community. 

Donations for HOPE of East Central Illinois

Donations are being accepted for new or gently used silverware/utensils for temporary residents of HOPE of East Central Illinois, particularly as they move out of the program and begin to rebuild their lives. Donations bins will be located around the church.

Cunningham Children's Program Donations

Donations are being accepted for comfort items to assist with the effects of trauma for the 12-18-year-old immigrant boys currently staying at Cunningham Children's Program's "Camino" program as they await unification with their US family members. A wish list of items is available from the church and includes many small items. Wesley's 3 Adult Sunday school classes are leading this project. 

Click here for List of Items Needed

Haven Meal - May 5th

A team of 5 adults will be providing and preparing dinner for the guests of the Haven on May 5th. 

Bags of Love

Young @ Heart and the Women's Small Study Group will be making and delivering greeting cards and floral gifts to Wesley members unable to attend in person services. 

Wesley Youth Project - ASP Rummage Sale

All  unsold items from the ASP Rummage Sale were donated to local agencies including HOPE, Standing Stone, the Middle School Clothing Close, Haven, Hour House, and Matthew 25. 

View the gallery below of last year's highlights of Change the World Weekend!